Infected by a DNA-altering virus, Derek and Alessandra develop strange and unnerving superpowers that challenge everything they thought they knew about the world
— allowing them to amass a fortune.
As they fall in love, they battle ruthless criminal mobs bent on harvesting the virus from their brains and intelligence agencies that try to enslave them.
First chapter
The Simulation Argument
- An energetic … New Age sci-fi/fantasy adventure. Kirkus Reviews
Complete review
- “A hugely-enjoyable sci-fi novel. Voyager is such a sharp and engaging writer that you’ll be immediately hooked on the book. The book deftly explores themes of science, spirituality, and human evolution without getting too heady or preachy, making for a mind-bending and entertaining work of science fiction. This is a truly gripping and imaginative read that will surely bring new fans to the Indigo Adventures series.” Self-Publishing Review
Complete review
- “…unpredictable and magical. It can be read on many
different levels: …a suspenseful story of…likable young
gamers who innocently earn the ire of…gangsters…determined
to kill the main character in a gruesome way. It is also a love
story and a lighthearted and hopeful one. …the book enters the
realm of mythology as it weaves together Egyptian myth
and…new-age philosophy into a captivating origins story. It
deserves to become a cult classic!”
Complete review
“…All in all, if you need a good, complex science fiction novel, then you’re going to want to read The God Virus. It’s a fantastic, thrilling story which is incredibly memorable. Scifi fans everywhere are going to want to read more!”
Complete review
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